2024 End of Year Reflections

As the year 2024 comes to an end and Christmas approaches, I’ve done a lot of reflecting on this year and the past years, Reflecting on the people I’ve met and the memories I’ve made that I would’ve missed out on if I continued down the path I was once on. The path that had me living recklessly and not really caring what happened to me. The path that almost led me to taking my life. I would’ve missed out on so much. I’m so grateful that I got the help that I needed and I’m still here. I’m thankful for the friends and family that stood by my side when I was at my lowest point. Although I may have bad days I have to remember all the things I would’ve missed out on and now be grateful that I was able to experience and meet the people I now call family. Even though this year has been full of ups and downs. I’ve met new friends that I can count on to have my back, and I hope they know I also have theirs. I’ve made more memories with more to come.


Curse of a Big Heart


The Dark Nights